And The Award Goes To…


We have complained here about the picks for the Mark Twain Prize for American Humor given out each year at the Kennedy Center. It has often looked to me like the bestowers were more interested in selling tickets than in honoring the right person. Here is how they describe the award on their website…

The Mark Twain Prize recognizes people who have had an impact on American society in ways similar to the distinguished 19th century novelist and essayist best known as Mark Twain. As a social commentator, satirist and creator of characters, Samuel Clemens was a fearless observer of society, who startled many while delighting and informing many more with his uncompromising perspective of social injustice and personal folly. He revealed the great truth of humor when he said "against the assault of laughter nothing can stand."

But they have honored no novelists and essayists. The only real writer to pick one up has been Neil Simon, who did not write prose like Mr. Clemens. And a lot of their honorees seem like they haven't been in the field quite long enough to have a track record worthy of such an honor.

Well, this year they've picked Jay Leno for the trophy and I don't think that's a bad choice. Leno may just hold the current world's record for uttering the most jokes about current events and What's Going On In The World. I would think Jon Stewart would come closer in terms of having "an impact on American society in ways similar to the distinguished 19th century novelist…" but Jay comes closer than any number of recent recipients and Stewart ain't goin' anywhere. He'll still be having all that influence next year, whereas we do seem to be at the moment when Jay's career and influence have peaked.

I'd still rather see them honor some older folks while they're still around to accept…folks like Mort Sahl, Robert Klein, Dick Van Dyke, Stan Freberg, Shelley Berman and Woody Allen. One does wonder if Mr. Allen was considered but rejected because they figured he'd never show up for the ceremony or that protesters would. Still, Leno ain't a bad choice. And maybe someday, they'll give it to a person who does what Mark Twain actually did for a living.