Recommended Reading

Kevin Drum notes that wildfires are becoming larger and more frequent in this country but that Congress is not allocating sufficient funds to deal with the increase. Why? Because Republicans do not want to acknowledge that Global Warming is having this effect on our country. They'd rather underfund the fire-fighting and pretend that the increase is not happening.

Y'know, up until a few years ago, I kinda fought the idea that Climate Change was happening. I wanted to believe that the naysayers were saying nay correctly because…well, wouldn't life be better on this planet if they were? But I've given up that childish hope and one reason is that the arguments against Global Warming are just so lame and they seem to come from folks who make their living telling Conservatives what they want to hear.

Moreover, they are almost all political arguments, not scientific ones. A few years ago, a right-wing friend of mine — I'm using a loose definition of the word "friend" here — told me what to him was the convincing argument that the world was not getting hotter. It pretty much came down to: "Al Gore says it is and Al Gore is an asshole."

Well, that is a whole lot easier than studying and understanding the science.