Jon Stewart is sure having a lot of fun making Sean Hannity defend the indefensible. I'm speaking, of course, of this Bundy guy in Nevada who owes the government in excess of a million dollars for the use of grazing land and won't pay it as some sort of statement against government overreach. I have a hard time buying most claims of "principle" in matters that are also financially advantageous.
In this case, I think Stewart recognized early-on that Bundy was a rotten poster boy who was sure to embarrass his defenders and decided to have fun goading Hannity into doubling-down on his stance. Just for the sheer entertainment value, I hope it goes a few more rounds…but Hannity's probably too smart to chain himself to a guy who doesn't seem to know what not to say in front of a camera. He's probably also afraid that someone's going to get killed.
Anyway, I have deadlines so there won't be a lot of posting here today. If I get a bit ahead, I may write about last Tuesday evening and the tribute to George Schlatter. It was a lot of fun and I'll tell you why when I can.