We often plug Frank Ferrante, who tours the land with his one-man-and-a-pianist-show, An Evening With Groucho. This weekend, he's in Iowa. The following weekend, he'll be in Vermont and then New York. May 8 and 9, he's in Minnesota and then May 15, he's at the Raue Center for the Arts in Crystal Lake, Illinois.
Anyone here going to the Crystal Lake engagement? The reason I ask is that a reader of this site, Jim Shackett, bought tickets for it and now can't go because he has to go to a family member's wedding. Personally, I wouldn't stay in the same family with someone who'd schedule their wedding in competition with a Frank Ferrante performance but some people have no respect for greatness. Anyway, Jim has real good seats and he's willing to sell them for what he paid, which I suppose is what you'd pay but you probably wouldn't get seats this good. If you're interested, drop me an e-mail. I'll forward it to Jim and then I have nothing more to do with this transaction. It's between you and him.
And if you want to know where Frank will be and when, here's a link to his schedule through June. It's a great show.