Saturday Afternoon

Hey, let's give credit where due to the National Weather Service. Way back on Feb. 20, as I noted here, they fearlessly predicted a 100% chance of rain for Southern California yesterday…and sure enough, it rained here yesterday. It rained a lot here yesterday, though probably not enough to mean anything to our drought situation. It's raining off and on here today and it should clear out in plenty of time to not moisten the Oscars.

I will make it through the Oscars in about twenty minutes thanks to the miracle that is TiVo. A lot of the suspense seems to be about what, if anything, Cate Blanchett will say if and when she wins. A lot of folks in the press have been trying to write her acceptance speech for her but they're hampered by, among other things, no real knowledge of what she has on her mind. I sure don't know. What I do know is that someone won't like it and that the vote, in the categories for which Blue Jasmine is nominated, is not a referendum on how "Hollywood" feels about what Woody Allen did or didn't do. But some will say it is.