We interrupt our work to bring you this…
Since I linked to a defense of Woody Allen a few days ago, I feel I should link to this. It's an open letter from Dylan Farrow, who says that she was sexually molested by Allen when she was seven years old. There's also this from Nicholas Kristof, a columnist and friend of Farrow's who helping publicize her side of the dispute.
I have no opinion on what happened in the attic long ago and believe most people expressing one should admit that they don't know, either. I do think too much is being made of the Golden Globes honoring Allen but that's because I think the Golden Globes are kind of a joke. I could round up ten friends, we could pick out a cool name for a trophy, decide on Best Picture and Best Supporting Actor and other categories…and then, if we were as good at P.R. and promotion as the unknown folks at the Hollywood Foreign Press Association, our award could be taken just as seriously. I also disagree with Kristof when he says…
The standard to send someone to prison is guilt beyond a reasonable doubt, but shouldn't the standard to honor someone be that they are unimpeachably, well, honorable? Yet the Golden Globes sided with Allen, in effect accusing Dylan either of lying or of not mattering. That's the message that celebrities in film, music and sports too often send to abuse victims.
I doubt the Golden Globes' "siding" went any farther than just saying Allen has produced an impressive body of work…and maybe that they thought it would garner attention and credibility for their lightweight award to give him one. Dylan probably didn't enter into the decision, nor did anyone's personal life.
In 2003, the Motion Picture Academy gave Roman Polanski a Best Directing Oscar for The Pianist. Now, Polanski's guilt in a child molestation case is admitted and inarguable but the Academy wasn't siding against his victim or approving or forgiving his actions in that matter. They were just saying they thought he had done the best directing job of that year. It's possible to have that opinion and also believe that the man who did that best directing is a sex criminal.
Is Woody Allen? I don't know and barring a Perry Mason Moment from Dylan or Woody — someone blurting out a confession — I don't think we'll ever know. But I do know he's made some great movies so I can at least say that with some certainty.