Snap, Snap, Grin, Grin, Wink Wink…

I'm not plugging a lot of Kickstarters and only ones where the person seeking funds does not ask me. Jackie Estrada did not ask me to plug this one and it's highly worthy of your patronage if you care at all about comic books and the people who make them.

Jackie has been an important figure behind the Comic-Con International for years, not just as the administrator of the Eisner Awards but in many capacities. She is also, as you'll see if you go to her Kickstarter page, a fine photographer. Since darn near everyone important in comics has been to Comic-Con, darn near everyone important in comics has had a pic or two snapped by Jackie Estrada. And now, she's assembling them into a book called Comic Book People.

You'll want a copy of this. Watch the video. Look at the sample photos over on her Kickstarter page. Sign up to back the book at some level that will get you a copy. I can't imagine how you could be even a wee bit sorry. Even if there's a picture of me in it.