Another great review of the DVD/Blu-ray of It's a Mad, Mad, Mad, Mad World. I know I'm probably writing too much about it here but, hey, it's my blog and this set makes me very, very happy.
That said, a few friends of mine who've never seen the film have said to me, "Hey, I've got to buy this and see this movie finally." I gently suggest they not; that if there's any way they can experience this movie for the first time in a big theater with a big screen and a big audience, that's the way to do it. I don't know of any upcoming showings in the Los Angeles area but one will be along before long. (In May, they're running it at the Bob Hope Theater in Stockton but that's a little far to travel. It's roughly the distance between the Smiler Grogan crash site and Santa Rosita State Park.)