People I Don't Understand

Samantha Schiebe, the woman who wanted George Zimmerman arrested last month for pointing a gun at her, now not only wants to drop charges against him but, they say, wants to get back with him. She's recanting her story…

She placed some blame on police for her previous version of the domestic dispute. "When I was being questioned by police I felt very intimidated," she wrote. "I believe that the police misinterpreted me and that I may have misspoken about certain facts in my statement to police."

In her 911 call, she can be heard very clearly saying he'd stuck a gun in her face. How did the police misinterpret that? Or how do you misspeak about that? Apparently, this woman was "intimidated" by having to talk to police but not by having a gun aimed at her.

Most of all, how does a relationship resume after one person has had the other person arrested and charged with aggravated assault, a felony, as well as with battery and criminal mischief? Either he pointed a gun at her or she lied or both occurred. In the world I live in, any one of those things is more than sufficient grounds for one or more likely both to scream, "Get this crazy person out of my life!"