Readers of this site who read of my positive view of Obamacare keep sending me links to articles about someone somewhere who is moaning they'll be worse off under the new Affordable Care Act. As Brian Beutler notes, these folks' stories seem to only stand up until someone takes a closer look and notes that the moaners haven't bothered to find out what was really in their old plan and what they can now obtain under the new system.
I'm sure there are folks somewhere who'll be worse off. Nothing beneficial ever happens without someone being worse off but there are also people who'd be getting screwed by their insurance companies if Obamacare hadn't passed and now want to blame it. You know this whole thing about how Obamacare wouldn't let you keep your current doctor? Well, long before Obamacare and on three separate occasions, Blue Cross decided to stop paying for a doctor I'd been seeing. If they decided to save money and do it now, I could rush to Fox News and they'd put me on and say it was because of Obamacare.