I'm not quite sure who runs this page called the San Diego Comic-Con Unofficial Blog except that they're not affiliated with the actual con. But they provide some good reporting and a lot of useful info, and if you've never been to Comic-Con International down in San Diego and are thinking of attending, it would be worth your time to browse their site. The explanation of how and when tickets are available may be especially useful as is most of the stuff on that same page.
I'm interested in this new posting in which they compare 'n' contrast Comic-Con to others. They say there were 1,075 panels at the con in 2013. That seems awfully high to me. I don't recall moderating more than about 600. I guess their definition of a panel is any scheduled event in the hall.
They classified them all by category and that can't have been easy for some program items, especially those that cover, say, Iron Man in comics and movies. (I host panels with Cartoon Voice Actors. Do those panels come under TV, Anime or Other?) Anyway, you hear so many people complaining that Comic-Con is no longer about comics…and yet according to them, 26% of all panels were about comics, more than TV and movies combined. They peg Anime at 29% but I'm assuming that's because there are rooms that just show Japanese cartoons day and night.
Anyway, if there were 1,075 panels and 26% of them were about comics, that's like 280 panels over four days…or 70 a day. No, that can't be right. Is it? Maybe these folks could show their math because I'd sure like to believe there were way more panels about comics at the con than anyone could possibly attend.