me on the screen


Tomorrow night (Tuesday), most PBS channels are running a three-hour documentary called Superheroes: A Never-Ending Battle. It was originally three one-hour documentaries but they've decided to gang 'em up. Liev Schreiber narrates.

I have not seen this yet. I'm supposed to be in it somewhere but I have no memory of when I was interviewed or what I said. In the last few years, I've done a whole bunch of these, some of which even came out, and they kinda blur together. Anyway, I'm probably in the section where they talk about Jack Kirby. (I'm assuming any documentary that purports to tell about superheroes is going to have at least one section about Jack Kirby.)

I may not get around to watching it for a while because I hate seeing myself on camera. My hair always looks much worse than I like to think it is. Lately, I feel I've gone from looking like what Larry Fine looked like when he hadn't stuck his finger in a light socket to what Larry Fine looked like after he had stuck his finger in a light socket. I also think I come off way too serious. I've been thinking of having a Muppet made of myself and when people ask me to sit for interviews, I'll see if they'll accept that in lieu of the actual Mark Evanier. And then at the end, I'll devour a whole plate of cookies.

I'm also, I'm told, in this. It's a documentary by and about folks about whom people say, "I Know That Voice" — actors who make their living off-camera using their voices, primarily in animated cartoons. What I've seen of it looks real good but I haven't seen my part yet…and dread that moment since as I recall, the day I was interviewed, my hair looked like Larry Fine's probably does today. But it's coming out on DVD and iTunes and elsewhere in a few months and I hear there's a premiere-type screening at Grauman's Chinese The Egyptian in Hollywood on November 6. It's safe to watch this trailer. I'm not in it…