Ted Cruz appears to be concerned that he hasn't managed to piss off every single person in America who isn't a Tea Party looney. The latest…
"The House of Representatives has repeatedly compromised already," said Cruz, who already spoke against funding the law on the Senate floor for 21 hours earlier this month. "The House began — it is the view of every Republican in this body, and indeed every Republican in the House, that Obamacare should be entirely and completely repealed. Nonetheless, the House started with a compromise of saying not repealing Obamacare but simply that it should be defunded."
It's statements like this that make me wish we had an actual Democrat in Congress besides Bernie Sanders (who isn't even a Democrat) to veer as far left as many Republicans veer right. The Dems oughta send Sanders out to demand that Obamacare be "repealed and replaced" with Single Payer, then have all the putative Democrats in both Houses endorse this for a few days. Then they can drop it, agree to be satisfied with the Affordable Care Act "as is," and say, "Okay, we compromised!"
And by the way, I don't for a minute believe every Republican in the house thinks that it would be a good thing for America if Obamacare was completely repealed. Most of them might well think that it would be a good thing for the Republican party.