Today's I-Don't-Want-To-Think-About-Syria Post

All the polls say that a majority of Americans oppose the bombing of Syria. Okay, so do I. But I'm curious as to why they think this. Here are four possible thought processes…

  1. "I am opposed because I have examined the issues involved and I believe that in this particular case, it is not in the best interests of the United States to do this."
  2. "I am opposed because I don't like us killing people, especially innocent civilians, unless we have a helluva good reason and I haven't heard a good enough one yet."
  3. "I am opposed because I'm sick of us getting involved in any kind of war and I'm not even sure what's going on there but I don't have to because I think we should say no to anyone unless we're directly threatened."
  4. "I am opposed because Barack Obama is in favor of it."

Me? I'm kind of a mixture of 1 and 2 with a soupçon of 3…but if I had to pick one of those, I'd pick 2. And yes, there are other reasons but I'll bet most opponents have a view that is close to one of the above. Let me know if you see a poll that breaks down their reasons.