Expert Advice

I'm giving up reading all these articles about whether we should or shouldn't bomb Syria. I'm not sure why I even think I need an opinion on this because, you know, it's not like Obama's going to turn to his staff and say, "Wait…before I decide, I want to get advice from someone who works on Groo the Wanderer comic books!" They're going to do what they're going to do and what I see now is everyone in Washington scrambling for position. That position seems to be to recommend or not recommend the bombing in such a way that however it turns out, they can say they were on the right side of the issue.

There are, however, some folks out there with the guts to take a firm stand. Over at The Weekly Standard, they've posted an open letter entitled, "Experts to Obama: Here Is What to Do in Syria." And of course, it's always nice to have experts weigh in…

…until you look closer at the letter and realize that the "experts" are mostly people who were utterly and totally wrong about what we should do in Iraq — you know, the folks who said it would be over in two months with minimal loss of American lives and our soldiers being greeted as liberators who made Iraq stable. This is kinda like getting expert advice on how to be mayor of a big city and then you notice it comes from Anthony Weiner and Bob Filner.