Today's Political Comment

So we have a "birther" Congressman who thinks the House could impeach Barack Obama on the grounds that he wasn't born in the U.S. and is therefore ineligible to be president.

Oh, please, please, please. That would be so funny. It's obvious that most Republicans in the House and Senate were long ago satisfied this was a nutcase charge; that Obama was born just where he says he was born and that all the evidence the birthers have to claim is "an obvious forgery" in order to believe otherwise is legit. What they won't do is say that out loud because they covet the support of the birthers and other loonies. A vote on this in the House would force Republican Congressfolks into a helluva choice…

  1. They could say what they believe — that there's nothing to it — and earn the wrath of those who refuse to believe that Their Nation (and they think it's Theirs, not Ours) couldn't possibly have elected that Socialist Commie Nazi Gay Black Man. Whatever else you can say about the birthers, they create grief for all who oppose them, especially Republicans they think should be on their side. And they reliably cast votes that do not go to Democrats.
  2. Or they can go with the birthers, which means they have to defend a position that makes very little sense and which they don't even believe. So, uh, how did those birth announcements get into the Hawaii newspapers at precisely the right moment in 1961? Ask a birther that and they'll change the subject or, more likely, argue that the other evidence is so strong it proves the fraud, then they'll say, "He had the power to have that arranged."

The Republican Congress has an approval rating of like 26%. If anything could get it down to single digits, it would be to tie up both houses with this nonsense. Please, guys: Go for it.