Thursday Evening

I'm still kinda reeling from yesterday's Supreme Court decisions on Gay Marriage. So in a different way are the folks who've dedicated their lives (often, quite profitably) to stopping that. A lot of them are complaining about the Justices who effectively invalidated California's Proposition 8, thereby overruling "the will of the electorate." But as William Saletan notes, that's the electorate of years ago they're talking about. The electorate of California today would defeat a new Proposition 8 so soundly that no one will dare introduce one. Having lost a lot of elections lately, the forces who think they can stop Same-Sex Wedlock will presumably be wise enough not to initiate any votes anywhere unless they're really, really sure they can win by a landslide.

And again, we see Congressfolks and Senators calling for a Constitutional Amendment that will reverse some legal setback. We need to institute a tax: Every time a public figure calls for a new Constitutional Amendment and it goes nowhere, they have to pay the treasury a thousand dollars. We'd pay off the deficit in no time. (What is the actual precentage of such proposals that ever get as far as actual proposals? I'm guessing it's way under 1%.)

I'm pretty happy about this. No, the Supremes didn't make Gay Marriage the law of the entire land…but that gives many of those who oppose it the chance to slowly come around and accept. Not all of them will but enough. Give 'em time. Some of them are going to be pretty shocked that it doesn't destroy their own heterosexual marriages and bring the wrath of God down on the United States…though we can count on it being blamed for the next few tornados, earthquakes and Super Bowl outcomes.

What I'm wondering is how long a certain segment of the right will keep falling for apocalyptic predictions that don't come true. How many times does Pat Robertson have to be wrong about the earth being destroyed before people wonder if maybe, just maybe, that same God who assured him Mitt Romney would win big has these guys on his Do Not Call list?