Recommended Reading

I made the mistake of reading Peggy Noonan's column today on The Great Scandals. Or maybe it wasn't a mistake because the emptiness of her accusations convinces me further that this is all just the president's enemies saying, "Gosh darn it. We want a flurry of scandals and we're not going to let the facts stop us from having it!" Barring the revelation of a lot more wrongdoing than we've heard to date, all three of the Big Three Outrages are already becoming scandals that'll bring down the Obama presidency the way Whitewater, Filegate, Travelgate, the Trooper Scandal, the murder of Vince Foster, et al, were all scandals that were certain to bring down the Clinton presidency and destroy Hillary once and for all.

Anyway, I was going to write something here about smoke and mirrors and then I read Andrew Sullivan who said it much better.

Even if all the scandals were valid — and right now, it doesn't look like any of them are in terms of White House involvement — it would take about fifty of each of the three to collectively equal Watergate, let alone the impeachment and incarceration we should have had over Iraq. And I still don't get how anyone can look at these two sentences…

  1. "But our current best assessment, based on the information that we have at present, is that, in fact, what this began as, it was a spontaneous — not a premeditated — response to what had transpired in Cairo."
  2. "We do know that the Iraqi regime has chemical and biological weapons. His regime has amassed large, clandestine stockpiles of chemical weapons — including VX, sarin, cyclosarin and mustard gas. His regime has amassed large, clandestine stockpiles of biological weapons — including anthrax and botulism toxin, and possibly smallpox."

…and say #1 is an outrage for which officials, up to and including the President of the United States should be fired or punished…and then say #2, which led us into a war, is just the kind of innocent slip-up that sometimes happens in government…

Too Darn Hot

So another new study shows that the overwhelming consensus of scientists who've studied global warming and climate change believe that yes, it's happening and yes, human action is causing it. These surveys always come back with percentages over 95%. This one says 97.2%. If there was a 97.2% chance of a hurricane hitting your area, you'd evacuate. In fact, you'd evacuate if there was a 50% chance.

And still, a certain percentage of Americans will look at that 97.2% number, read that some high school chemistry teacher in Dubuque disagrees and say, "Scientists are split on this issue. Half of them say one thing, half of them say another."

Yesterday's Tweeting

  • 9 weeks to Comic-Con. People lining up outside Hall H hoping for good seats to panels on TV shows that haven't been created yet. 18:41:10
  • Just figured it out. Penn & Teller is 12' 3" tall. 18:41:43
  • Just threw my online banker into a panic. I asked him for the last four digits of HIS social security number. He wouldn't tell me. 20:55:10

Today's Video Link

Ignore all the superimposed words on this. It's an excerpt from The Merv Griffin Show from 1984 — Merv interviewing Jim Henson, Frank Oz and their various alter-egos…

Recommended Reading

So what's with this I.R.S. scandal? If you want what seems like some sane perspective on it, go over to the website of The New Yorker and read Jeffrey Toobin and then John Cassidy. Neither seems to think there's much to the charges. Not that this will stop those to whom every gun, even the kind that squirts water, is a smoking gun to be used against Obama. Boy, can you imagine what the House Oversight and Government Reform Committee could have done with the memos about Weapons of Mass Destruction if there'd been a Democratic Darrell Issa in charge?

Yesterday's Tweeting

  • It's amazing how everyone knows more about what Angelina Jolie should have done than Angelina Jolie and her doctors. 11:55:21
  • As time goes by, things that were once fun lose their sparkle. O.J. Simpson trials, for instance. 13:33:17

From the E-Mailbag…

Hey, didja watch that commercial I put up earlier today for Kellogg's Cocoa Hoots? Well, it turns out I know the guy who did it…and I was also right about the voices. Here's my old pal, Mark Kausler…

I directed and animated it at Murakami-Wolf, don't remember the date, probably in the late 1970s. We did two spots with Newton the Owl, this was the first one. I'll never forget the art director from the agency's attitude, he was very hands-on, but I discouraged him. I put him to work doing inbetweens! He was so bad at it, that he didn't bother us again for the rest of the production. My first choice for Newton's voice was Junius Matthews, who did Archimedes the Owl in The Sword and the Stone. However, he was a little slow on the up-tick and Pat Buttram was very high in the energy department, so he got the job. Paul Winchell was a favorite of Fred Wolf's, so he did the little side-kick owl. I don't know who the little girl in the live portion of the spot was. The cereal did not test-market well, and my "big chance" to create a new Kellogg's character never jelled. And that's the name of that 'toon.

Nice job, Mark…but I think you did it before the late seventies. The copyright notice on the online Cocoa Hoots ad is 1972. It's amazing how much good animation there is in old cereal commercials.

Today's Video Link

I keep seeing ads online for old breakfast cereals I never heard of before. This is a spot for Kellogg's Cocoa Hoots which was apparently marketed somewhere around 1972. Even with all the cartoons I watched back then, I never saw a commercial for it and I always cruise the cereal aisle at the market and never saw it in Los Angeles. I'm assuming it was test-marketed somewhere and people didn't give (or buy) a hoot.

The mascot, Newton the Owl, was voiced by Pat Buttram, who we later had as a semi-regular voice on Garfield and Friends. What a great, funny man he was. He'd saunter into the studio with a batch of either old new jokes or new old jokes and that alone was reason to hire him…but he was also very good on the show. He had, of course, one voice…so we did an episode with his character's whole family. Some of them were voiced by other cast members imitating him, including Louise DuArt doing a female version of Pat's voice to play his mother. Some of the family members were voiced by Pat and we sped him up a bit or slowed him down so he'd sound a wee bit different. After the recording, he went over, phoned his voiceover agent and with a note of pride said, "Guess what? I finally doubled!"

The other owl in there doesn't have enough lines to make a positive i.d. on his voice but if I was forced to guess, I'd say it's Paul Winchell. There's a bit of debate on the 'net between people who say the live-action little girl at the end is definitely Jodie Foster while others say it absolutely is not. Decide for yourself and don't send me your opinions…


O.J. News

I know, I know. I shouldn't even think about this guy but he makes it so darned hard. O.J. Simpson is getting a hearing in Las Vegas on his bid to reverse his 2008 conviction for armed robbery. He's claiming his lawyer in that case mishandled matters.

He may take the stand today. I think he should sit there and say, "Your honor, I was under the impression from past experience that if an attorney was competent, he could get you off even if you were guilty!"

3-D Not 4-Me, C?

Leonard Maltin says today's public is losing interest in 3-D movies…but that doesn't mean they'll be going away.

As I've mentioned here, I don't do well with 3-D. I can take it in small doses but any more than, say, twenty minutes of it puts me to sleep. Literally. I've dozed off in every 3-D movie I've seen in that range and it wasn't because I found them boring. There's no doubt a scientific explanation for this.

Inn Trouble


A gent who has worked the front desk at many hotels delivers 10 Hotel Secrets from Behind the Front Desk. Personally, slipping a twenty to the desk clerk has never resulted in a better room for me, not even in Vegas. Being funny and polite sometimes has.

About Number 6, "Never, ever pay for the minibar": Nothing in those ever interests me and I've heard that nothing in them ever really interests anyone who doesn't have an employer covering the hotel bill. A producer I knew once told me a funny story. He was doing a long city-to-city-to-city road trip with his wife and mother-in-law and one night, they stopped at a fancy hotel — he and his wife in one room, her mother in another. The next day, as they headed for the next town, they were driving along and he said, "Gee, I wish I had some chocolate."

From the back seat came the voice of Mom-in-Law: "Oh, I have some." And she dug around in one of her bags and came up with a bar of Toblerone chocolate.

As he munched on it, he said, "That was smart, bringing that along," and she said, "Oh, it was in the room." He said, "You took it from the mini-bar?" She said, "Of course. I took everything! Considering how much that room cost per night, I wasn't going to leave anything behind." She thought it was like the free shampoo. When he got his bill, there was an extra $1,100 on it.

I had something like that happen to me once at the Gaslamp Hilton in San Diego during Comic-Con. Carolyn and I were staying there and we'd been promised a refrigerator in the room, which was necessary because of some medicine she was taking. The hotel was all out of those little mini-refrigerators they bring up so they told us we could empty out the mini-bar and use that. We did — and it was apparently the kind where each item has a little sensor sticker on it so that when it's removed, a computer somewhere in the building knows this and adds the appropriate charge to your bill. When I checked out, I had something like $1,250 on mine, including a $100 charge for one particular mini-bottle of wine about the size of a cranberry.

The hotel realized the mistake even before I pointed it out to them and the clerk said, "Don't worry…we'll take it all off your bill." The big problem was that he had to do it by hand, an item at a time, so it took twenty minutes. I should've grabbed the jar of nuts in the first place. They'd never have known and I always wondered what $30 cashews tasted like.

Mail Call

I seem to not have received a number of e-mails the last few days that honest friends of mine say they sent me. If you sent something that should have been answered, please send it again. Thanks.

Today's Video Link

Some time ago here, we had some postings about My Living Doll, a one-season (1964) CBS sitcom that starred Bob Cummings and Julie Newmar. It was intended to replicate the recent success of the same producer's My Favorite Martian on the same network. The formula went kind of like this: Here's this normal-but-excitable person and they suddenly have in their life this alien, inhuman creature who looks normal but whose very presence and odd powers creates all sorts of problems. And then each week is about the normal-but-excitable person trying to deal with one such problem while keeping the inhuman creature's secret a secret.

In this case, the normal-but-excitable person was a swinging bachelor played by Mr. Cummings. The inhuman creature was a lifelike female robot played by Ms. Newmar. Given Mr. Cummings' age at the time, I thought she was more believable as a robot than he was as a swinging bachelor but what do I know? The series, which was picked up by CBS without a pilot, didn't catch on and there was much sturm und drang on the set…so much so that after 21 of its 26 episodes, Cummings abruptly departed. Was he fired or did he quit? Reportedly, it was a little of each but since he'd been carrying the bulk of the storylines, that was not a minor change. By that point, they probably all knew it was over and were just filling out the order.

Eleven episodes have been put out on a DVD set you can purchase here. It's Volume One but a Volume Two does not appear likely. The negatives of the show were reportedly destroyed and so the assemblers of the DVD were limited to using 16mm prints in the hands of collectors, and could only find eleven. There have been rumors that other episodes have been located — or may soon be located — but last I heard, they were just rumors.

Here's the first part of the first episode and I doubt you'll make it all the way through…


Because of something I posted the other day, I received a few messages from people thinking I'd said the late McLean Stevenson was an awful person. That sure wasn't how I felt the few times I encountered him. I didn't like my very brief stint working on The McLean Stevenson Show for reasons explained here…but those problems had little to do with Mr. Stevenson. I didn't even meet him during that period.

I actually met him a couple of years before that, back when he was still Henry Blaking it on M*A*S*H. As I've mentioned here, I used to occasionally wander the halls of NBC Burbank. Sometimes, I had a legit reason to be there; sometimes, I snuck in. That's impossible these days at any studio but back then — we're talking 1970-1976 here or maybe a bit later — it was not difficult. You just had to act like you had a reason to be there and knew where you were going. If you did, you could get in to watch them tape Rowan & Martin's Laugh-In or one of Bob Hope's specials. I'd visit The Dean Martin Show and watch people who were not Dean Martin rehearse — because he didn't do that — or I'd see The Flip Wilson Show being assembled. My favorite stop was Stage 1 where they did The Tonight Show. I'd try to get there around 2:00 when the band rehearsed and I cannot tell you how wonderful that band sounded in person. And of course, the best moment was later in the afternoon when they rolled tape and Johnny made his entrance.

One day, I was over there on actual business and I went by to hear the band. On my way out, I paused in the corridor outside where the big nine-cubicle set for Hollywood Squares was sitting, apparently undergoing repair work. A man walked by and said to me, "They're reinforcing the upper tier for when Orson Welles is on the show." The man who said this to me was McLean Stevenson, who was guest-hosting for Mr. Carson that evening. I think he thought I was someone he knew but anyway, we got to talking and I told him I was going to watch that evening. To my surprise, he said, "You want a preview of my monologue?" I said sure and he said, "Come on."

As he led me into Stage 1, where the band was just leaving from its rehearsal, he said, "I'm not sure about this bit I've got for this evening. Tell me if you think this is funny." I took a seat in the audience, he stepped over to Johnny's monologue position — a little star embedded in the floor — and did his routine just for me. I don't remember much about it except that he said something about how if his jokes didn't work, you'd never see his face again on the show. He followed this with a pretty awful joke, reacted like the audience had just groaned, and then he reached behind himself, pulled a paper bag out of his waistband and put it over his head. He did the rest of the monologue that way, finally peeking out at the end for some reason I don't recall. "You think that's funny?" he asked me. I did and I told him so…and that night on the show, it went over pretty well. But that was about the extent of our conversation. I was not yet working in the TV business and felt a little shy about making anything resembling a suggestion.

Around 1986, I spent a month I wish I could get back as a story editor on MacGyver. Now that I think of it, instead of making the joke about hating to work on The McLean Stevenson Show, I should have substituted MacGyver. Some day, I'll tell you why. Anyway, one day in the Paramount commissary, I found myself in the cafeteria line next to McLean and I reminded him about our Tonight Show moment — which he vaguely remembered — and told him I'd written on his first sitcom — which he preferred to forget but had to talk with me about. We wound up sharing a table for a very long lunch, discussing what went wrong with that show from his perspective and mine.

That was the first show he did after leaving M*A*S*H in what some industry onlookers have suggested was one of the stupidest career moves in the history of television. He didn't see it that way. To him, it was more a matter of taking a very promising gamble that didn't work out…and getting out of a work situation where he wasn't very happy.

I don't want to pretend I'm recalling his exact words with reasonable accuracy so I'll just summarize what I remember him telling me. He wasn't happy on M*A*S*H. Unlike the other members of the initial cast, it was not his first series. He'd played supporting roles before and was looking to move up to leads. Originally, he'd auditioned for…I don't recall if it was Hawkeye or Trapper but it was one of those. Offered the supporting role of Henry Blake instead, his instincts told him to decline but his agents urged him to take it and the producers assured him that if the pilot became a series, Henry Blake would be more than a supporting role. When the show did become a series, Henry Blake did not become more than a supporting role…and often when he did get some great scenes, they'd wind up being cut. (A few years later, I repeated all this to Larry Gelbart, who was the guy in charge when Stevenson was on M*A*S*H. Gelbart said it was an accurate account: "When an episode runs three minutes over, you have to look for the easiest place to cut three minutes. The easiest place was usually Mac because he was rarely involved in the main storyline.")

Further troubles erupted between Stevenson and the business folks at Twentieth-Century Fox, which produced the series. He found himself arguing over a dilapidated dressing room, over a lack of respect (he felt) for the cast's time and comfort, and other matters of that sort. One morning when he showed up at the correct early-morn time on location, no one else was there, there were no toilet facilities, there was no coffee, etc. He began complaining and began hating the company for which he worked — though never, he was quick to note, the co-stars or creative folks. Then there was the matter of money. It is customary on a hit show for the cast to renegotiate its deal upwards and indeed, Alan Alda and most of the others did. McLean said that when he asked for the same percentage increases, he was refused and it was made clear to him that they didn't think he had much to do with the show's success at all. Gelbart also confirmed most of this to me.


During this period, Mr. Stevenson was exploring other avenues. He guested amusingly on The Tonight Show with Johnny Carson and was soon guest-hosting. Turned out, he was pretty good at it. (That was his summation but also mine.) At that point, as I knew from other sources, there was a very strong possibility that Mr. Carson would be stepping down. He didn't, of course, but he was making noises like he would and NBC was quietly discussing replacements. McLean Stevenson was one of those under serious consideration.

Then NBC offered him a deal that paid him many times what M*A*S*H would have paid him over the next few years and included the possibility of The Tonight Show.  If he'd known how much longer M*A*S*H and Carson would be on the air, he might have elected to stay put…but eight more years for M*A*S*H and seventeen more for Johnny seemed pretty darned inconceivable at the time. If he took the peacock's offer, he could escape a production company he hated and which seemed to not be too fond of him. He could make a lot more money, at least for the foreseeable future…and he could see if it was possible for him to ascend to leads and starring roles.

The NBC contract might have segued into The Tonight Show and if it had, then leaving M*A*S*H would have seemed like canny career management. It might also have been seen as such if it led to a hit TV series of his own…which it didn't but at least on that first one, that did not seem to me to be because of any failing on his part. I can't say why his subsequent shows like Hello, Larry and In the Beginning didn't click…though I will note that both of those were series that were developed without him and that in both cases, he stepped into the leads at the last minute to try and save the proceedings. That rarely bodes well for a program.

I have fond feelings for McLean Stevenson for two reasons. One is that in our brief encounters, he seemed like a helluva nice guy. That doesn't necessarily mean he always was. I know some pretty awful human beings who can be civil and charming for whole hours at a time. But it's hard to not judge someone by your personal experiences.

And secondly, there's this: Show business is a field that requires taking the occasional gamble. It's hard to gain without a risk…and when a risk doesn't pay off, there are always plenty of folks around to grin and say, "I knew that would never work." If they gave Oscars for Monday Morning Quarterbacking, I know folks who'd have more than Meryl Streep does. If Johnny Carson had flopped on The Tonight Show, there are those who would have said, "I knew he should never have left that game show of his." Or if The Simpsons had failed, half the people in TV I know would have said, "Why didn't they ask me? I could have told them cartoons in prime-time never work!" Matter of fact — and I think I told this story here once before — around the time the M*A*S*H pilot was made, I heard a top TV executive say that "…trying to turn that movie into a weekly situation comedy is the stupidest, most sure-to-fail idea I've ever heard."

I could forgive the last guy. That was just a bad prediction but at least he made it before the results were in. Then again, if you listed every single new TV series that was about to debut and sight-unseen predicted its failure, you'd wind up with a not-unimpressive batting average, probably no worse than industry analysts who went show-by-show, studied the scripts and pilots and made considered projections. I'm not faulting bad predictions; just the saying of "I told you so" when you didn't tell us so. I wince when I see people mocking McLean Stevenson for departing the cast of M*A*S*H after its third season. He was a very talented performer and I've always thought he deserved better.

Monday Morning

The knee's much better, thank you. Whether it will still be much better when the cortisone wears off is another question but we'll face that when it happens. I still have no idea what I should or shouldn't have done that might have prevented this from happening. Thanks to all who sent words of support. Thanks too to the makers of the knee brace that also gave me support.

It's something like 66 days until this year's Comic-Con International and yes, it feels like I just got home from the last one. At times, I have this feeling that the con is always there — you know, it's like Disneyland. If I drove down to the convention center today and went in, I'd see all those booths and all those dealers and people walking around dressed like Zatanna. I just for some reason only visit it four or five days each July, do my ninety-three panels and go home for another year. At other times, it feels like Brigadoon, this magical village that mysteriously appears every so often. The nice part of the latter concept is that when I think of it that way, I don't feel like I'm missing anything.

Well, I am off on a busy day. Just wanted to report on the knee for anyone who cares. It's nice to think that no matter what happens this week, I can't possibly be in any more pain than I was on Friday…