What Happens in Murderville Slays in Murderville…

One of the most talented cartoonists I know — and believe me, I know a lot of talented cartoonists — is Carol Lay. I've known Carol since the mid-seventies and gave her some of her first jobs in the field. This was back when she worked on other folks' characters and concepts. A few years later, she started working (mostly) on her own characters and concepts, including the delightful strip Story Minute, which was syndicated for many years and which is now being collected in books I'll be plugging here soon.

But right now is not the time to talk about what she has done. Let's talk about what she's doing now! She's running a Kickstarter to fund her newest creation, Murderville. What's it all about? Why should you back it? Well, you should back it because you'll get a great comic book out of it and she's just the kind of creator who deserves backing. As for what it's all about, here: I'll let Carol tell you (and even sing to you) about it…


As I mentioned, I don't like plugging friends' Kickstarters — or rather, I don't like being asked. So I've made a new rule: If you ask, the answer is no. But each month, I'll promote one I think is worthy. Jeremy Kirby's book about his grandpa was the May plug. Carol's is the June plug but it's so good and so worthy, I'm putting it up here a week early Go read about it. Watch the video. Then pledge to back it because, come on, it's Carol Lay. How could this not be wonderful?