I'm not going to post a lot more about Gun Control because like I said, I don't think this is going anywhere. But Alan Jacobs makes two good points over at The American Conservative. If we do institute any sort of Gun Control in this country, the problem we should be trying to solve is not the Newtown tragedies so much as it is the many shootings that happen on an individual basis every day.
And before I leave this topic — and leave it, I will — the dumbest idea I've heard is the notion that we should arm teachers. If an Adam Lanza had burst into any of my classrooms with guns blazing…well, I can't think of a single teacher I ever had who would instantly turn into the Clint Eastwood of the movies and be able to expertly pick him off without shooting more of the pupils than he did. I'll admit I don't know as much about guns as some people but I do know they ain't as easy to grab, ready and fire as the cop shows make them out to be. It's hard enough to find good teachers these days and if we add into the requirements that they have to learn how to shoot and also be ready to serve as armed security guards…
One of the best teachers I had in high school was a man named Mr. Miller who taught Science the way every teacher should teach Science…but that was all he could do. On rainy days, he had to put on a slicker and go out to the parking lot and direct traffic, and this invariably led to him directing one car to back into another. He could teach you Newton's Third Law of Motion but not understand how it might apply to a Buick. Put a pistol in his hands and you'd have dead students everywhere without even the need for a crazed loner with assault weapons.