Rod Dreher writes one of the smartest pieces about the current Mitt Romney flap and the reaction to it among Conservatives. They never seem to learn from those moments when things collapse around them. And those moments are easy to spot. They all seem to involve Rush Limbaugh screaming at them to "Double Down!"
I also wanted to steal/quote a paragraph from my pal Kevin Drum…
The last 30 years in the United States have been better for the rich than any time or place in human history. High-end incomes are up spectacularly. Tax rates are down. Welfare reform has been the law of the land for 15 years. Private sector unions are all but extinct. The wages that business owners pay to their employees have been virtually flat for more than a decade. For the rich, it's been a golden age. And yet, America's wealthy class nonetheless seem to be in an absolute fury. The looters want their money, the government is resorting to socialism, the president who rescued the banking industry hates them, and their tax dollars are all going to support a bunch of freeloaders and shirkers.
I don't have an explanation but I'd been thinking the same thing. For some, Too Much is never enough.