Wanna know happened today in Libya? Fred Kaplan explains it all for you.
Actually, I think I slightly disagree with Fred on one point…and it's a domestic point, not one about foreign policy. He wrote…
Imagine if Romney had called President Obama, asked how he could be of assistance in this time of crisis, offered to appear at his side at a press conference to demonstrate that, when American lives are at risk, politics stop at the water's edge—and then had his staff put out the word that he'd done these things, which would have made him look noble and might have made Obama look like the petty one if he'd waved away these offers.
He thinks that would have helped Romney. It would have with some voters and if that was Fred's point, I agree. But I think it would have sunk him with the Obama-Hating part of his base — not to be confused with the voters who merely feel Romney would do a better job. But there are those who hate every single thing about Obama and believe every single negative thing about him…and Romney can't win without those people. They don't want to see Romney link arms with the president. They want to see him trash the guy every possible way even if it means making up phony "facts" to do so.