This coming Sunday, I'm teaching a class in how to do voiceover work for animation. It's a function of Women In Animation, a non-profit organization established in 1994 to promote the advancement of women working in the art and industry of animation. The class will more or less be in three parts. Part One will be a discussion of the business and we'll talk about demos and agents and getting work and most of all, how to arrive at a realistic view of what's possible and what ain't. I have this theory that the secret to success in any field is to find that sweet spot between Idealism and Pragmatism. Tip too much in either direction and you're in trouble. So we'll talk about how things really work instead of how you want them to work and that'll be the first part of the class.
Then Act Two will be reading scripts and discussing how to shape a character and how to work the material for all it's worth. Sometimes, you have to work it for more than it's worth, too.
For the grand finale, we'll have a little reception and maybe some Q-and-A with the person who is certainly the most important female voiceover artist in history and one of the most important in animation in any capacity…June Foray. We'll celebrate her recent win of her first Emmy Award and I'll try to get her to replicate the look on her face when they opened the envelope.
I have no idea how many have signed up for the class yet. Hopefully, somebody. But they haven't told me it's full so if you're in Los Angeles and interested, Click here for more details.