Thursday Morning

Can you see what's different about me today? Give up? I'm on my backup computer. Don't be embarrassed that you didn't notice. I'm sure you would have, eventually. My regular computer got one of those virusy things and it's been removed but I'm doing a deep, deep scan of every nook, cranny and byte to make sure it's outta there and that'll tie up that terminal for a few hours. So that's why I appear to you to be on the other side of my office.

It's a busy day with not much time for blogging, I fear. I could fill a lot of this page quickly if I quoted all the messages I've received from folks telling me about the book they bought or the article they wrote that was all but illegible due to Art Director malpractice. I'll quote some (not all) of them in the next few days.

Yesterday, I spent a (thankfully) brief amount of time quashing a bogus death report on the 'net. Someone for some reason posted on a forum that a certain aged actor I know had died. The actor had not…and something about the way the guy announced it made me suspicious. It was just too casual. I called the actor's home and got his voice mail…and I didn't leave a message because I really didn't want to explain to him why I was calling. Just wanted to hear his voice. So I called his agent and asked, "So, have any of your clients died in the last 48 hours?" She said no. I asked about the actor in question. She said she'd spoken to him a half-hour earlier. The Internet posting was three hours earlier so I wrote to its author, told him it was wrong and without responding to me, he deleted it from the forum. It seems to not have travelled.

Lastly before I get to work: Comic-Con appears to be officially over. I finished unpacking. Bye for now.