Recommended Reading

Kevin Drum discusses how, as most of us well know, a lot of people oppose "Obamacare" because the misinformation campaign has made them misinformed.

I think a lot of them are operating on the same mentality as the N.R.A. types who are convinced Obama intends to take away everyone's guns. When it's pointed out that he hasn't made the slightest move in that direction, they not only don't change their minds about his intentions, they seize on that as proof he's determined to do it. A few weeks ago, a right-wing friend was telling me he opposes the Affordable Care Act because it allows the government to assign him a doctor and he'll have to leave the one he likes and go with that one. I told him the A.C.A. explicitly says it can't do that. He just shrugged and said, "But once they have their structure in place, you know that's what they'll do."

It's a great way to oppose any legislation. You don't have to not like what's in it. You don't even have to know what's in it. You can just oppose it because of what "they" might pass next even though there's no indication that "they" want to. Me, I'm against banning plastic grocery bags because you just know the obvious next step is to ban all groceries.