A Warm Thought

Every time we have a blizzard in this country, I always see some yahoo on TV saying something like, "Well, so much for that stupid theory about Global Warming." Every single scientific piece about Global Warming always explained that its impact would be colder colds and hotter hots and wetter wets and drier dries. So a record-setting snowstorm would not be proof that Global Warming was a hoax. If anything, it would be an indicator (though not definitive proof) of the opposite.

Now we have parts of this country sweltering under record heat spells. How come none of the folks who thought record cold disproved Global Warming are out there saying, "Hmm…maybe there is something to this Global Warming stuff"? Why aren't they out there saying that?

I'm not sure why it is but I'll take a wild guess. Could it be that it's because they're idiots?