From the E-Mailbag…

James Frankel writes…

I'm thrilled to hear about June Foray's Emmy nomination but amazed that this is her first and that she doesn't have a whole shelf of them. This woman is the absolute queen of cartoon voice work. How is it that she wasn't nominated for most of the wonderful work she's done, starting with Rocky and Bullwinkle?

It's real easy to explain why she wasn't nominated for Rocky and Bullwinkle. The award didn't exist back then. I don't know when precisely it started but the notion of presenting an Emmy for voicing a cartoon character is a fairly recent development.

As for why she hasn't received one since then: Producers have to submit actors for consideration and they tend to nominate performers who are either (a) on every episode of the show in a lead role or (b) guest stars who are well-known from on-camera work. June isn't (b) and has rarely been (a) in recent years. My guess is that she's rarely been submitted for the shows she's been on.