Recommended Viewing

CNBC is running a good one-hour special about Costco these days. It is, of course, the kind of thing Costco would love to have produced themselves as it glorifies the store and its operators and tells you just how wonderful every single thing is about it. This is the way CNBC covers anything that makes anyone any money. There is nothing wrong with anything that's profitable.

But there's also a lot of interesting info in the show, which is called The Costco Craze: Inside the Warehouse Giant. It runs tonight at 8 PM and 11 PM (all times Eastern), tomorrow at 3 AM, Monday night at 8 PM…oh, hell. Go see the airtimes on this page where there are also a lot of clips and extras.

Dinner Theater

The White House Correspondents Dinner is tonight. Usually, they invite a comedian to perform but instead, this year they got Jimmy Kimmel.

I'm uncomfy with some aspects of the ritual, particularly with the press being so darned friendly with folks they're supposed to be dispassionately covering…but I'm fascinated with it as a piece of show business. It's a tough room and not everyone can work it. Last year's appearance by Seth Meyers raised the bar high with the best set I can recall anyone having.

Not every comedian has done well in what's obviously a very tough room. Jay Leno had a great appearance in 2004 and a disappointing one in 2010…although one thing I notice is that with one exception (Rich Little in 2007), the performances that seem weak when watched live all seem much better when you watch them later on YouTube. Little's seemed feeble at the time and seems even worse in hindsight.

He was asked, of course, to play it "safe" after some complained that Stephen Colbert offended too many sensibilities in 2006. Colbert probably did…but a lot of folks think he bombed and that's not so. If you think that, watch it again. That audience loved most of what he did. Craig Ferguson's speech in 2008 was quite successful though he largely eschewed one-liners for an actual attempt to say something to the assemblage. You can see videos of a lot of these and learn more about the dinner over on this page at the C-Span site.

It's also interesting which topical comedians haven't been there. Bill Maher and Lewis Black have each spoken once at the Radio and Television Correspondents Dinner but apparently haven't been invited to the larger, more presidential White House affair. David Letterman apparently has but declined. Even the Bush administration didn't want Dennis Miller. I assume Jon Stewart has been asked at least once and am curious as to why he's said no.

CNN and MSNBC are carrying the event tonight beginning at 6:30 Pacific Time, 9:30 in the East. Did Fox News carry this event when it was a Republican president? I don't know. C-Span covers the arrivals. This page will tell you roughly who's expected to attend.

Today's Video Link

Thursday night, as described here, my friend Mickey Paraskevas and I went to see the first of four staged readings of Eric Idle's play, What About Dick? On the back of the program book, the following was printed….

The use of photography or recording of any kind is specifically prohibited.

HOWEVER, we invite you to record with your own hand held device the final number, The Dick Anthem, and you will be told when it pull it out and hold it up. Expose it to your friends after the show!

Though we had fabulous seats, we did not do this…because no one ever told the audience when to pull it out and hold it up. But some folks figured it out and did so anyway, including someone up in the balcony who posted this shaky video to YouTube. About halfway through, you'll see a guy in the audience who has a bald spot and is wearing a suede coat, standing and applauding in the front row. That's me and Mickey is on my left. On the stage are Eric Idle, Russell Brand, Billy Connolly, Tim Curry, Eddie Izzard, Jane Leeves, Jim Piddock, Tracey Ullman, Sophie Winkleman and sound effects wizard Tony Palermo. I'm sorry you don't have a good look at the suit Mr. Connolly was wearing but it was something that Spike Jones would have rejected as "too loud"…

By the way: Mickey (also known as Michael) had his sketchbook along. Wherever I go with him, he has a sketchbook or iPad along and he draws what he sees. He did some pencil drawings at the show and has since added in some color and posted them as a Facebook album. I think that link will get you to it.

Today's Political Musing

A lot of folks are mad at Barack Obama for an ad and some remarks that suggest that Mitt Romney would not have killed Osama bin Laden. On the one hand, there's something to the claim…some quotes that suggest that Romney didn't think it was such a priority. Neither, a month or two after 9/11, did George W. Bush as I recall.

On the other hand, who knows what some people will do, given the opportunity? One of the Romney quotes offered in evidence that he would have let the guy go is one that says he didn't think it would be cost-effective to spend all that money to hunt down one man. I can imagine a set of numbers where even the most fervent Anti-Terrorist would have figured this country could have put the cash to better use. Maybe if someone had said to Romney, "Hey, we know where the guy is and Seal Team 6 says they can take him out for a hundred bucks," Romney would have said, "At that price, I'll go for it!"

Then again, Republicans do like to paint Democrats as weak on taking bold action and being harsh on this nation's enemies. There are those in the G.O.P. who still advance that argument and if you mention Killing Osama to them, they shrug their shoulders, say something like "Oh, that doesn't count" and pretend it never happened.

I do think that if a Republican President had presided over the killing, we would never hear the end of it. It would be hailed as the most courageous, pro-American macho thing a Chief Exec had ever done…like he'd single-handedly won World War III, and he should not only be re-elected but anyone who'd vote against him was guilty of treason. That kind of thing.

Remember all those rumors a few months before the 2004 election that bin Laden was dead and that the Bush Admininstration had his body in a big refrigerator? They were all ready to pull it out, defrost him and produce his corpse a week before we voted…or so some believed. I wonder if anyone in the current White House, just before the hit on Osama, thought about that; not about putting the guy on ice but about the timing. It had to have crossed somebody's mind to think, "Hey, bin Laden isn't going anyplace…we could wait until it's closer to Election Day to kill him."

The Latest Crow News

Another thing that makes me think the climate is changing (and not for the better) is the size of the crows in my area. I tweeted the other day that they're the size of Winnebagos but that was just a joke. The average one is no larger than a 1974 Chrysler Imperial — the model that had the "Rich Corinthian Leather." If I were a little shorter, I'd be worried that one of them would swoop down and carry me off.

A few folks wrote in to suggest that they might not be crows. They might be ravens. I'm pretty sure they're not because I asked one if he was a raven and he said, "Nevermore!" In any case, ravens the size of Chryslers do not make me think the world is normal, either. If nothing else, I fear problems from their sheer size. If one of these birds was to alight on a telephone wire, it would cause the poles it runs between to collapse inward.

I try to ignore this but it's not easy; not with crows hovering about that look like they were bred to be sold at Costco. If nothing else, I wonder if we have the solution to the World Hunger Problem here. I understand crows often carry disease but it should be possible to purge that with the proper diet. The problem is that people who said they would never eat crow would have to eat crow in order to eat crow. Hmm, this is getting too complicated…

Today's Video Link

If it's not already on, turn on the Closed Captioning to see the names of the movies in this haunting montage…

Go See It!

A great slide show of cell phones through the years.

You know that neat little one you carry around now? A few years from now, it'll be in a gallery like this one and we can all laugh at how primitive and clunky it was.

An Evening of Dick

And this is not Dick Clark we're talking about here. It's Dick, an Oxford undergraduate and Aunt Maggie's nephew…the lead character in a new play by Eric Idle with songs by Mr. Idle and his Spamalot collaborator, John Du Prez. Last night, my friend Mickey Paraskevas took me to the first of four performances they're doing down at the Orpheum Theater in Downtown Los Angeles. The performances, which continue through Sunday, are being video-recorded for sale or broadcast somewhere at some time. I would imagine they're going to edit together the best moments from the four tries but they could probably just go with what they did last night. The audience sure laughed and applauded a lot.

What's it about? I don't know. Something about a piano. Mr. Idle played the piano. Well no, actually, he didn't play the piano. He played the role of the piano, which is the narrator of the piece. A piano is the narrator? Believe it or not, that made more sense than almost anything else on the stage.

Now, when I tell you I don't know what this play I saw is about, it's not because I'm dumb or wasn't paying attention. I polled several friends I encountered at Intermission and they didn't know what the play was about. I asked some strangers sitting around us. They didn't understand the story, either. In fact, none of us could hear or understand half the dialogue and we still all found it very funny.

Part of this is due to the cast…and get a load of these names: In addition to Mr. Idle, there's Russell Brand, Billy Connolly, Tim Curry, Eddie Izzard, Jane Leeves, Jim Piddock, Tracey Ullman and Sophie Winkleman. Everyone was very funny but I have to tell you. Even when we couldn't understand what they were saying — which was half the time with Ms. Ullman and every single moment with Mr. Connolly — Tracey Ullman and Billy Connolly were hysterical.

The play is a staged reading of a live radio drama allegedly broadcast in 1941, though for some reason, they say the "f" word an awful lot which I don't think people did much on live radio in 1941. They also rarely mentioned Sarah Palin or the Kardashians, as the characters in this play set in 1941 do. Some of the hilarity comes from Bloopers-style screw-ups, many of which came from Eddie Izzard, who had the toughest roles. (Most cast members play several roles.) One of his characters was a seer from India named Deepak Rushdie Obi Ben Kingsley and while Mr. Izzard is a marvelous talent, his skill set does not include a good Indian accent. He was well aware of that, and also that he was missing cues, and was ad-libbing his apologies. He was quite funny in so doing. Everyone was quite funny. You'll especially enjoy it if you love double entendre references to "Dick" because there are an awful lot of them.

Our inability to hear half the lines was partly due to laughter drowning them out and partly due to a clumsy sound system. Mickey and I somehow got front row center seats — as close to the action as you can get without holding an Equity card. So in light of our problem, I wonder if they could hear anything clearly up in the balcony. The fact that they were howling with laughter up there doesn't mean they could because we folks down front couldn't hear a lot of it and we were laughing, too.

We had a glorious time and I want to mention two other "stars" of the evening. One is a gent named Tony Palermo who was onstage doing live sound effects in the style of old radio. He does them for many local productions and he's really good at them. And the other star was the Orpheum Theater, a grand old palace built in 1926. Not that long ago, it was in disrepair and there was talk of tearing it down before it fell down. Someone went in, spent millions and now it's magnificent and sparkling…but retaining that old-time feel.

It was a great place to spend a great evening…and if you're not going to be at any of the three remaining performances, don't despair. It was recorded and it'll be marketed somehow at some time. I'm looking forward to getting a DVD myself. Maybe if I watch it 10-20 times, I'll figure out what that thing I laughed so much at last night was all about.

My Tweets from Yesterday

  • Mitt Romney to potential running mate: "Do you share my positions?" Potential running mate: "Yes. Last Tuesday's and some of Friday's!" 12:48:02
  • I am apparently the only person in my neighborhood who's concerned that the crows are getting to be the size of Winnebagos. 14:35:51

Another Dick Clark Story

I turned down doing press and radio interviews about the late Mr. Clark because those things tend to inflate your connection to the deceased and I didn't think I knew him well enough to be quoted that way. But the other day, I was telling a friend a story Dick told me and I thought I'd share it with you here.

You have to remember two related things about Dick Clark. One is that he hated to waste time. There was something of an unspoken rule around him: He wouldn't waste yours so don't you waste his. If you had a meeting with him at 11 AM, you were there at 11 AM and he would see you at 11 AM. And while the meeting would be very cordial and friendly and there would be small talk and joking, the meeting would not last any longer than it had to in order to accomplish whatever it was intended to accomplish.  You would leave at 11:19 and on the way out, you'd see someone waiting for their 11:20 meeting.

And the other thing — and I was by no means the only person to notice this — is that while Dick was a major figure in the music business, it was the "business" part that interested him the most. He said he liked the music itself but if he got to talking about, say, Chuck Berry, it was talk about how many records Chuck had sold, how many shows he'd sold out, how much his performance fee had gone up or down, etc. I didn't even feel it was about the money as much as about the success. Dick ran his business like a business, which meant he had occasional clashes with music folks who didn't see or live it that way.

One time in connection with an upcoming project, Dick had to have a meeting with the members of a very successful rock group. I'm not sure I'm accurately recalling the name of the band so let's just call it The Rock Group. They were very big at the time and Dick needed to have what he figured would be a fifteen minute conference with them…at most. Their manager suggested he come to a local concert they were doing, see the show, then come backstage after for the meeting.

Dick didn't want to do that. He had no interest in sitting through an entire concert and wasting that much of his life. Could he just come over before the concert? Or after it? Could he drop by rehearsal? No, said the manager. The group was insisting that Dick be in the audience for the concert and then they could meet after. As Dick explained it to me, "Those meetings are always the same. We shmooze and talk and finally they say, 'We love you, Dick, and anything you want to do is fine with us if it's okay with our managers' and it's over. But in this case, I didn't have a choice. I had to go."

The manager said they'd arrange for the best seats, right in front. Dick said, "Thanks but I really like to be back a ways when I go to a concert. Could you put me in row 20 or so?" The manager said that would be arranged. Dick had learned from past experience that if you're in row 20, it's easier to sneak out to the lobby to make phone calls (or to just plain leave) without the performers on stage noticing your seat is empty.  He also asked not to be introduced, ostensibly to prevent him from being mobbed for autographs.  But the real reason was that you don't want to have them introduce you when you're not on the premises.

The concert was supposed to start at 8 PM, which meant Dick took his seat in row 20 at 7:59. By 8:10, the concert had not started. It hadn't started at 8:15, either. By 8:25, the audience was restless but not as restless as Richard Wagstaff Clark. He was annoyed that his time was being wasted like that and appalled at the baseline unprofessionalism of the whole enterprise.

Around 8:30, he was seriously thinking of walking out and not doing business at all with The Rock Group. That was when someone on their staff came to his seat and took him backstage. They said, "The guys were thinking you could have your meeting with them now." Dick was puzzled but he figured there were technical problems of some sort preventing the show from commencing. Perhaps one member of the band was stuck in traffic or something. Anyway, Dick was pleased someone had thought to fill the time by seeing him now. He was already figuring that when the show did start, one seat in row 20 would be unoccupied.

He was led back to a fancy dressing room and there were all the members of The Rock Group, sitting around, eating from a huge buffet and drinking spirits and smoking. Everyone was glad to see Dick and they quickly got down to business and discussed the matter he had come to discuss. It took around five minutes for the members of The Rock Group to get to "We love you, Dick, and anything you want to do is fine with us if it's okay with our managers."

With that done, Dick asked them what the delay was. By now, it was 8:45 and you could hear the crowd in the hall stomping their feet and chanting the group's name, demanding that the show start. The Rock Group seemed to be in no hurry to go out and play, and one of them said, "We're going to start at 9:10."

Dick didn't understand that attitude. He asked, "Why are you keeping your audience waiting an hour and ten minutes?"

And like it was the most obvious answer in the world, one of the band members said, "Because the last time Aerosmith played here, they kept the audience waiting an hour and five minutes."

This Year's Main Political Promise

They may phrase it differently but all the candidates' speeches will roughly come down to this…

"We need to make tough choices to slash spending and bring down the deficit! And I'm going to do my damnedest to get elected without specifying a single significant one!"

November can't come soon enough.