Ron Rosenbaum resurrects a topic that not many care about these days but I do: Watergate. His particular question is whether it is provable that Richard M. Nixon, the 37th President of these United States, ordered the infamous break-in that failed and thus destroyed his presidency.
As a longtime wallower, I would say the evidence is almost airtight that Nixon knew that kind of thing was being done even if he didn't know the specifics of where and when. And there's pretty solid evidence that he did at least know where.
However, a lot of those who've addressed this matter seem to be operating from the view that there had to have been a specific area of information that the wiretaps were intended to collect; i.e., what did Democratic Party Chairman Larry O'Brien know about Nixon's financial dealings with Howard Hughes? Well, maybe. But I could sure accept that they wanted to spy on the opposition just to find out what, if anything, the opposition was up to.