The Latest Crow News

Another thing that makes me think the climate is changing (and not for the better) is the size of the crows in my area. I tweeted the other day that they're the size of Winnebagos but that was just a joke. The average one is no larger than a 1974 Chrysler Imperial — the model that had the "Rich Corinthian Leather." If I were a little shorter, I'd be worried that one of them would swoop down and carry me off.

A few folks wrote in to suggest that they might not be crows. They might be ravens. I'm pretty sure they're not because I asked one if he was a raven and he said, "Nevermore!" In any case, ravens the size of Chryslers do not make me think the world is normal, either. If nothing else, I fear problems from their sheer size. If one of these birds was to alight on a telephone wire, it would cause the poles it runs between to collapse inward.

I try to ignore this but it's not easy; not with crows hovering about that look like they were bred to be sold at Costco. If nothing else, I wonder if we have the solution to the World Hunger Problem here. I understand crows often carry disease but it should be possible to purge that with the proper diet. The problem is that people who said they would never eat crow would have to eat crow in order to eat crow. Hmm, this is getting too complicated…