What's My Beef?

Have you ever tasted Kobe beef? Well, you may think you have but Larry Olmsted says you haven't; that what's sold and served in the U.S. as Kobe beef is not really Kobe beef.

This is getting very confusing. First, we were told that our "100% beef" burgers included something called Pink Slime…and by the way, if you ever want to do away with a product, just get folks referring to it as "Pink Slime." I don't care what it really is. I can't bring myself to put anything in me that others refer to as "Pink Slime."

And now we also have a problem with something called "White Slime"…which I always thought was a nickname for the kind of people who voted for Pat Buchanan.

But you know what the funny part of this is? If Kellogg's put out a cereal called Pink Slime or the Topps Bubble Gum folks put out a candy called White Slime, kids would eat it up. They wouldn't eat their carrots but they'd eat the Slime.