John McCain is once again eager for this country to go to war. If this man had been elected president, we'd be in about nine by now.
Monthly Archives: March 2012
Double-Secret Probation
A Broadway musical based on National Lampoon's Animal House? Hey, why not? And I can already imagine the promotions: Half-price tix on Toga Night if you come dressed in a bedsheet. Or they'll do it like a Gallagher concert and the first three rows will be wearing trash bags to protect their clothes during the Food Fight.
Interesting, by the way, that that film has somehow become "the 1978 John Belushi comedy." I seem to recall him having star billing on it but nowhere near as much screen time as some of the other players.
The score is being written by the rock band, Barenaked Ladies. I'm guessing that's to supplement a couple of songs from the movie. They can't leave out "Shout," can they?
Today's "Thing Some People Don't Seem to Know"
There's a lot I don't understand about women's bodies but even I know that if a woman decides to take birth control pills, she takes them on a regular basis, regardless of how much sex she's having…and also that there are sometimes medical reasons to take them even when she is not having sex.
A Night (or Four) at the Egyptian
Those of you in L.A. may want to take note: The Egyptian Theater, under the auspices of the American Cinematheque, is about to show a batch of Marx Brothers movies the way God and Irving Thalberg intended they be viewed: With an audience. Sure, you've got them all on DVD. Big deal. I've got them all on DVD, too. But though they're fun to watch that way, it ain't the same. Some movies really need to be seen in a big group and Marx Brothers movies are high on that list. (The most extreme example of that is Beyond the Valley of the Dolls. It's a pretty boring, lame movie if you view it alone or even with a small contingent. On the big screen in a packed house, it becomes a very different — and pretty darn good — cinematic experience.)
This L.A. Times article quotes two friends of mine who are devout Marxists of the Groucho kind. Robert Bader is fonder than I am of the first two Paramount films, The Cocoanuts and Animal Crackers. I think they were harmed severely by the constrictions of early "talkie" technology. They have their moments (so do At the Circus and Go West) but I favor Monkey Business through A Day at the Races. I will set Bader straight the next time I see him.
Steve Stoliar, also mentioned in the article, is the gent I've mentioned here who worked as Groucho's aide/secretary for the last few years of Doc Hackenbush's life. Steve will be signing his book (oft-plugged on this site) one evening at the Marxfest and also at an upcoming event at the Hollywood Heritage Museum. He'll be talking about his experiences working for The Man and showing rare, you've-never-seen-it footage of Groucho in his later years. It's March 14 and if you're thinking of going, order tix now. The place ain't that big and they may already be sold out.
Today's Video Link
Last Thursday, the Disney folks christened the new Disney Fantasy cruise ship with an on-board show in two parts as the craft sat docked in New York Harbor. Neil Patrick Harris hosted the first part which included a performance by Jerry Seinfeld. The second part featured Disney CEO Bob Iger and other company execs along with performers Nick Cannon and Mariah Carey. The video embed below will show you selected highlights from these presentations. Part Two should play right after Part One…
And now here's a video of a musical number performed by Mr. Harris. I'm not sure I've mentioned it here but I'm an enormous fan of the man some just call N.P.H. I know I haven't mentioned it to him. I keep seeing him up at the Magic Castle, of which I am a 30+ year member. He's the club's President so he's often up there but every time I'm within a yard of him, he always seems so busy that I don't feel like I can say howdy and whatever else it is that would follow that.
But I remember seeing him in a production of Sweeney Todd and watching him steal the show — an amazing achievement given that he was playing neither Todd nor Mrs. Lovett. And I think he's terrific in everything he does these days, including his revival of the lost art of hosting awards show with both talent and humility. This is a video — not of the best quality, I'm afraid — of a musical number he performed at the Disney Fantasy christening. Gee, he's good at this stuff…
Things I Won't Be Eating…
The McRibster Sandwich…at the moment available only in Austria. But could something with that much cheese, bacon and pork be far from American mouths? Especially since it's deep-fried and has chili sauce on it?
Back to the Future
As several of you have pointed out to me, the David Frum piece I linked to in the previous post is three years old. That may say something about my powers of observation but I think it also says something about how nothing has changed in this regard. Everything Frum said is still valid.
Recommended Reading
David Frum gives his take on the Limbaugh situation. He says some of the same things I said earlier but he says 'em better. Take a look and get a preview of the Civil War coming soon to a Grand Old Party near you.
Great Photos of Stan Laurel and/or Oliver Hardy
Number one hundred and sixty-seven in a series…
Today's Political Comment
I'm of about four minds on this whole matter of Rush Limbaugh calling that lady a "slut" and demanding that she post porn videos of all the sex she has when the public is paying for her contraception. He's issued a tepid apology for the first part of that but I'm still of the four minds, the first being that he doesn't seem to have even listened to the testimony before attacking her. She wasn't testifying about her own sex life at all.
The second mind worries me because it's not all that different from what Rick Santorum said and any time I'm not clearly on the opposite side to him, I feel like I'm probably wrong. He said Limbaugh is an entertainer who deals in the absurd. I don't find Rush particularly entertaining but I think that's his job description. When I hear him described as the unofficial leader of the Republican Party and/or the Conservative movement, I shake my head vigorously. Seems to me the man's not even attempting to lead either or to say what they should do. Seems to me he's doing the only thing he's good at which is to say what fires up a certain segment of the population and keeps them listening to his show. Deep down, I suspect Rush is elated when a Clinton or Obama wins or the Democrats score a victory. It's good for his ratings.
The third mind is that of a guy who hopes Rush's core audience loses big in the coming elections. I don't like to see women degraded or the promotion of unhealthy, Cro-Magnon views of sex but I have to smile at how it hurts G.O.P. candidates at the polls.
And the fourth mind thinks a lot like Evan McMurry, who thinks that the subtext of Limbaugh's whole assault was that women should shut the hell up, particularly about issues that primarily impact women. And that maybe it's good that that's becoming more obvious.
So I really don't know what I think about all this except that Rush is probably sitting there asking himself, "Why did people get so upset about this? I say this kind of stuff all the time and I get away with it."
Today's Video Link
The Grossmont College Touring Theater Group presents their interpretation of arguably the most important piece of American writing for the stage…
Recommended Reading
Ezra Klein on what various medical procedures cost in this country as opposed to what they cost elsewhere. I'm always amazed at the people who don't think we have a health care crisis in this country and that really nothing needs fixing.
Later Morning Comment
Okay, it's a little funnier now.
Early Morning Question
Why am I working on a script now? Nothing's funny at this hour.
Some Recent Tweets
- Rush Limbaugh: The man whose "apologies" make things worse and make him out to be even more clueless. #