Today's Stu's Show!

Stu Shostak has a great guest today on Stu's Show. It's Joey Luft, the son of the legendary Judy Garland. You probably haven't heard him interviewed because he doesn't do it very often. He'll be discussing his mother's variety show (on which he made his TV debut) and her life and career, as well as what it's like to grow up with such a famous parent. Sounds like quite a show.

You can hear each episode of Stu's Show when it's first broadcast at 4 PM Pacific time which is 7 PM on the East Coast . You Central Time Zoners can figure out the time wherever you are. Listen to it at the Stu's Show website. And if you miss it, fear not. At that same site, you can download the show in MP3 for 99 cents…the best bargain on the 'net. But wait! It gets better. Select four past Stu's Show episodes from the archives and pay for three. What the heck are you waiting for?