Jim Henson's first TV show was a five minute show called Sam and Friends that aired twice daily on WRC-TV, which was the NBC affiliate in Washington, D.C. The series lasted from May 9, 1955 to December 15, 1961 so he did a lot of them but only a handful of episodes have survived. One that has is this one that we present in its almost-entirety…
As in many episodes, the big feature is the puppets "lip-syncing" to a record — in this case, Stan Freberg's 1953 spoof of "C'est Si Bon." The Henson character doing the lead vocal was named Moldy Hay and the two back-up singers were called Hank and Frank. Don't ask me which one is Hank and which one is Frank, and stay tuned after the song for a word about Esskay Franks…