The most interesting thing about the State of the Union address to me was how it, taken in tandem with Mitt Romney's release of his tax records, has probably defined this election. Barring some intrusive element like a war or terrorist attack, it's all going to be about Income Inequality and whether we're going to adjust the rules so they're not weighted quite as heavily in favor of the Romneys of the world. I don't think that's a bad platform for Obama to run on.
It's hard to say who he'd do better against, Romney or Gingrich. Mitt would be in a more awkward position than Newt if that became the issue of the election. But Newt is Newt, so easy to dislike.
My friend Roger tells me Gingrich is a Great Debater, who would singe Obama's eyebrows in a one-on-one. I don't think so. I think Gingrich is really good at hitting the buttons that set the Rush Limbaugh audience all atingle but at the same time, he rallies Democrats, Independents and even Moderate Republicans (I hear there are still a few) against him. Gingrich also hasn't been in a situation lately where anyone was interested in correcting certain anti-Obama "facts" of his claiming. There's a reason Rush never debates anyone he can't mute with the push of a button.