Saturday Evening

I haven't been posting much lately (or when I have, it's been messages I wrote a few days ago) owing to a mother in the hospital. She's home now and doing better but I still have "son" stuff to do, plus I'm behind on a few things…so it may be a day or three before new things are appearing here at the usual pace.

Nothing ever happens in my life without a funny anecdote or two materializing. The best one this time probably was the one that occurred when a nurse at the hospital told me I needed to go down to the Admitting Office and sign some papers and she started to tell me how to find it. "I know where it is," I told her. My mother has been in this hospital a lot and I know where everything is, including a couple of secret doors I'm not supposed to know about. I told the nurse — and this has actually happened a couple of times — "I'm here so much, the cashier in the cafeteria gives me the employee discount."

The nurse looked surprised. "There's an employee discount in the cafeteria?"

Another nurse told her, yes there is: "If you go in there in uniform, they probably just give it to you automatically."

The first nurse thought a second then said, "I sometimes go in there in my street clothes…like when I come to work and stop in there for breakfast on the way in."

The second nurse: "Well, if you don't show them your employee I.D. or they don't recognize you, you're probably paying more than you have to."

The first turned to me and said, "Life isn't fair. I've worked here five years and you get the employee discount and I don't."