Recommended Reading

One of the more interesting figures in the current Republican dogpile is Jon Huntsman, who's probably going to turn out to be the only G.O.P. candidate who made it into the debates but never got his turn as Front Runner. A lot of people think Huntsman is a Liberal masquerading as a Conservative. The other day, Keith Olbermann was urging the man to 'fess up and become the Democrat that he really is.

Only he really isn't. Huntsman hates Medicare and abortions and taxing the rich just like the rest of his fellow debaters. He just doesn't seem to hate them enough to get his party to notice he's there. When it got down to six contenders, you started to see articles where the person who finished fifth, ahead of Huntsman, was referred to as being fifth in a field of five.

Here, just to give the man a little notice, is an interview with Jon Huntsman. Sounds like he's starting to get a little ticked off at being ignored.