Oh, What a Tangled Web(log) We Weave –!

If you came to this page earlier today, God knows what you saw. I had the yellow background up until about 10 AM when I changed it to blue…and I foolishly thought to myself, "Ah, all my configuration problems are done." Around 10:45, for reasons I'm sure were unrelated to the backgrounds, the whole site crashed.

During the restoration work, the site looked incomplete for a while. Then it was offline for a while. Then when it came back up, it was the old design and the most recent entry was from New Year's Eve. Then it was off again. Then it was this look but with one message telling all that I was working on it. And now I think it's back and correct. Deep exhale.

I'd take full credit for this masterstroke of technological know-how but a lot of it was made possible by a nice lady who really knows her job well. Her name is Jennifer and she works in tech support for Dreamhost, the company on which I host my many domains. Remember yesterday when I was complaining about companies where the employees don't know anything? Well, this is the opposite.

So…thanks to Jennifer and things should be copacetic from here on out. Until something else goes wrong.