Not much to report about last night's event at the Writers Guild other than that Earl and Dwayne were suitably honored and memorialized. A lot of the right things were said. Some tears flowed. Many friends were together. There was a lovely chocolate fountain on the dessert table.
Non-Lambeth posting may be light here today as I have much to do, including getting a cavity filled. My dentist's office is directly across the street from Larry Flynt's office. One of the employees there (not my dentist) brought in a pair of binoculars when they moved in there, somehow thinking this would enable him to glimpse nude models cavorting in the high-rise on the opposite side of La Cienega Boulevard. So far, this has not happened. The last time we discussed it, he reported that with a sigh then added, "Of course, looking at the bright side, I also haven't seen Larry."