Today's Political Comment

Here's the question I would like to see someone put to all the Republican candidates who say they're in favor of waterboarding…

When asked about most issues relating to the military, your reply is that you would "listen to the generals on the ground." When asked about waterboarding, you say you would not hesitate to use it because you believe it has been effective in gathering intelligence. But General David Petraeus, the U.S. commander of the surges in both Iraq and Afghanistan and now director of the Central Intelligence Agency has said that waterboarding has not been effective and has caused long-term problems for the U.S. Why are you not listening to him on this topic?

No one will probably ever ask this question to any of them but I wonder how they would respond. It would probably be something along the lines of "Well, I'll consider his viewpoint and then ask some other generals." And if they ask enough, of course, they'll find someone who will be for it.