The G.O.P. keeps holding all these debates. This one's staged by CNN. That one's staged by Fox News. The one the other night was by CNBC.
So I'm wondering: Why doesn't Comedy Central announce they're holding one with Jon Stewart, Stephen Colbert and maybe some other personalities on that network asking the questions?
Most likely, the front runners would dismiss it as a stunt and refuse to show up…but what does Jon Huntsman have to lose? What, he might drop from 1% to half that? And maybe, just maybe, someone like Rick Perry would think it was a great way to get an hour of airtime in front of younger viewers (and voters) and rehabilitate his image. If no one showed up, fine. I'll bet Stewart and Colbert could do an hour on that premise alone.
And if they can do it, can Cartoon Network be far behind? Actually, I think some of the candidates would fit in well on that channel.