I was going to write a piece here about the late Andy Rooney but I see Ken Levine has somehow managed to plagiarize what I was going to write before I wrote it.
The only thing he left out was that I became a fan of the 60 Minutes correspondent before he was on that show. I liked him from the moment I saw a 1975 special he did called Mr. Rooney Goes to Washington. He did a couple others like that, being generally (but not baselessly) crabby about other aspects of American life but that Washington one was the best. Much of it is dated now and I suspect he'd fault you if you tried to apply all its observations and complaints to the present-day District of Columbia and what goes on there. But much of it still seems to be valid.
Here is that special. It runs nearly an hour so you may not want to watch all of it. But if you ever wondered what Andy Rooney did besides kvetch about telemarketers at the end of 60 Minutes, here's what made him famous…