E.N.B. Remembered

One of the great unsung heroes of the comic book industry was a man named E. Nelson Bridwell. Nelson was an odd little fellow who walked with a cane who had all sorts of odd tics and breathing problems that caused strange noises to come inexplicably out of his body. Yet trapped within that body was a mind of amazing brilliance, a pure love of comics and a wickedly witty sense of humor. With equal ease, Nelson could quote to you the dialogue in every comic he'd ever read (and he'd read all of them) or a few paragraphs from Chaucer. He was mainly an assistant editor at DC in the sixties, seventies and eighties, and sometimes he wrote scripts or edited. He was often more qualified than those he assisted and he frequently did their jobs for them or caught their mistakes. He also created one of my favorite comics of the sixties, The Inferior Five, and several other good ones as well.

I mention all this to direct you to a fine remembrance of the man written by Mort Todd. I endorse everything he says about the guy.