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Here's my pal Ronn Lucas a year or two ago on David Letterman's show. Ronn is one of those guys who does an act and you find yourself thinking, "Jeez…nobody could do this any better." He did the musical finale Friday night in his performance at the Magic Castle and seeing it live in a small showroom without microphones was utterly astonishing.

This clip is a tiny bit out of sync but it's still watchable. It reminds me of a time years ago when we were in a coffee shop at the old Flamingo Hotel in Laughlin, Nevada. Ronn was telling me how he'd been practicing and further perfecting a feat he sometimes does in his act — talking out of sync. His lips move ahead of his voice. To demonstrate, when the waitress came over, he ordered that way and I wish you could have seen the expression on her face. She looked at me as if to say, "What's wrong with your friend?" and I explained he watches a lot of old movies. She thought for a second and then said, "Ohhhhh," as if that explained it.

Here's Ronn and his pal Scorch appearing as part of Ventriloquist Week on The Late Show