Through the time-suspension powers of TiVo, I just watched the first episode of Penn & Teller Tell A Lie, which aired the other night on The Discovery Channel. I liked it. The premise, in case you haven't heard, is that they present seven little stories about incredible things. Six are true. One is an outright lie. During the show, you use your computer or some handheld device invented by Steve Jobs and you vote on which one you think is bogus. At the end, they show you how America voted…and I'm a little fuzzy as to whether that's just one time zone or what.
First time out was obvious enough that 50% of the voters nailed it and no other story got more than 14%. When they show you that total, Penn does a V.O. and says, "Right now, Teller and I are sitting at home in our living room, watching the show just like you." I think that's a lie. I think they were on stage at the Rio Hotel in Vegas when this aired. But anyway, the pre-taped show then reveals which of the seven segments was the fraud and half of us get to go, "I knew it." It'll be interesting to see if future installments are harder to guess. This one held my interest sufficiently that I'll be watching.