Even as you read this, ballots are arriving in the mailboxes of us members of the Writers Guild of America, West. We have an election for officers and folks are writing to ask me who I recommend.
For President, Patric Verrone (who held the job before) is up against Christopher Keyser (who'd be new to the position). In the electioneering materials I've received, the main argument I see Keyser's supporters advancing for him is that a vote for Verrone is a vote for going backwards instead of into the future. That strikes me as a pretty empty reason. Yeah, maybe the guy who did it in the past could be rooted in yesterday's thinking and the new guy could have a fresh approach. Or the guy who did it in the past could have learned a lot doing it and maybe, as I believe is the case with Patric, done a great job. I don't think Keyser would be bad at all but I'm voting for Patric Verrone.
For Vice-President, I'm voting for Howard Rodman. For Secretary-Treasurer, I'm voting for Carl Gottlieb. Again, I think their opponents are bright and qualified and I won't be a bit worried if either gets in. I just have a preference for Howard and Carl.
On the list of those running for the Board of Directors, I see folks I know and folks I do not know. The ones I know would all be fine. The ones I do not know are all endorsed by at least a couple of people I know and trust. I don't think we can go wrong with any eight of these people. I haven't figured out yet which eight I'm going to not go wrong with but I'm pretty sure Dan Wilcox and John Brancato will be among them.