One of my favorite folks in the comic book field is the fine illustrator Brent Anderson. He just sent me this and it's obviously important enough to pull me away from deadlines to post it here…
You've probably heard, but I wanted to ask your help.
My car was broken into at the San Diego Zoo on Monday July 25th, 2011 and about 190 pages of original art in four 11×17 display portfolios were stolen. About 50 random pages from Astro City Vols. 1 & 2 & Local Heroes and about 50 random pages from Astro City: The Dark Age Books 1 (#s 1-4), 2 (#s 1-4) & 3 (#s 1-4).
Also stolen: Green Lantern: Legacy pp. 3, 6, 7, 9, 11, 18, 20, 21, 24, 30-36, 38-40, 42-46, 48, 51-57, 60 & 67-70; Green Lantern Silver Age Special (approx. 4 pages); Green Lantern/Plastic Man Team-Up Special (approx. 8 pages); and approx. 48 random pages from Rising Stars #s 15-24.
I don't believe it was anyone from the convention who stole my artwork. I believe it was an opportunistic smash-and-grab by someone looking for money or jewelry, not comics art. (They stole all of our dirty clothes and toiletries! Probably for the luggage.) They actually left behind three of the 11×17 Itoya Portfolios which were right next to the slipcase. If they'd wanted the art, they would have taken those, too. The thieves didn't know what was in the zippered slip case containing the four they took. I think they just wanted the case and a secure place to see what was in it.
The more light we shed on the stolen art the more unsellable it becomes to the thieves. Unfortunately, the more unsellable, the more likely it is to be disposed of. An anonymous drop-off of the art in some place it might be discovered by a knowledgeable person is the best outcome, or in finding it at a flea market where the thief made a quick, cheap sale just to get rid of it. I've asked of anyone living in the greater San Diego area who enjoys frequenting flea markets, garage and rummage sales, to visit as many of them as they can this coming weekend and on into the end of summer. The sooner people search the better. All the art was in mylar sleeves and each book holds 48 pages.
Spread the word to all your contacts, particularly to comic art sellers and those who shop on eBay and Craigslist. If you see any of these pages surface, call Christopher Tews (619-744-9521) or the San Diego Police Department Central Division (619-744-9500) and tell them you have a lead on case #11-029140. Then send me a FB message or email me.
Thank you, friend. Together we may just get the art back!
That sucks…but I guess all we can do is spread the word. I've omitted Brent's e-mail address because posting it on a weblog is a great way to get tons of Nigerian scam messages…but if you need it, drop me a line and I'll send it to you. No one deserves to have this kind of thing happen to him but especially not one of comics' nicest guys and greatest talents.