13 Days Until Comic-Con…

The getting of food at or around the con seems to be daunting for some people. In all my years of going to that building, I've only ever found one place on the premises to score a decent meal. Out back on the top level the last few years, there's been a little tent where someone barbecues hot dogs and hamburgers and I think they sometimes do chicken breasts, as well. The cuisine has been quite edible…perhaps even good when I get one that's hot off the grill. I don't know for sure that this concession will be there this year and when they are there, they seem to keep odd hours, closing down around 2 or 3. But you might want to take a peek and see if they're up and grilling. San Diego's Gaslamp District is across the street from the convention center and that's otherwise your best bet to get something nourishing during the day. If you have a lust for smoked 'n' sauced meat and a willingness to walk a bit, boogie on down to the Kansas City Barbecue Company. Some folks have also been known to hop on one of the free hotel shuttles and let it carry them into downtown S.D. And for the cash-strapped among you, Scott Marinoff sent me this great list of cheap places to eat near the convention center.

In the evenings, it's easier because you don't have to scurry back so as not to miss things at the convention. There are a lot of great restaurants around. Do yourself a favor and do a bit of searching on the Internet before you go to decide where you might wanna eat and maybe even make some reservations. Nothing wastes my time at a con like trying to figure out where to go at the last minute. By then, it's usually not a matter of "Where shall we go?" as much as "How long do you think the wait there might be?"

And once again, I'll mention the Ralphs Market, which is open 24/7 at the corner of G Street and 1st. In the evenings, much of the convention can be found roaming its aisles and filling carts with supplies and snacks and even entrees. If I ever couldn't get into the convention, I think I could have a pretty good time hanging out at some of the displays and events staged outside the hall at the Northeast (I think it is) corner of the convention center, and then wandering the Ralphs in the evening. Last year, I signed two copies of my Jack Kirby book for other shoppers in the checkout line.

Lastly on this topic, I'll mention that San Diego has a pretty good taxi situation…and I'm amused that since most of the cabs are independently owned, they all seem to have different company names on them. Anyway, those cabs can take you to some very good restaurants…and again, a bit of research-in-advance wouldn't hurt.

I would steer clear of the human-powered pedal-cabs. I used to take them because I felt sorry for the poor teens bicycling people around like that…but the last few years, the rates have gotten a bit steep and the drivers try to guilt you into excessive tipping. Also, the crowds and some street reconfigurations and new laws have made it more difficult for those bike-cabs to take you somewhere in a direct line. Trips in them, even short hops, can get awfully circuitous and therefore more time-consuming than walking…and since you pay by the ride, not the time, they try to hustle you there as rapidly as they can, which can lead to highly-unsafe maneuvering. There have been accidents and I somehow don't think those kids have the greatest insurance or, in some cases, a proper sense of how much space to leave between a passenger and a bus. If you must take one, make sure you agree on the fare before you get in.

Okay: The schedule for Friday Programming is up and available for inspection. And here once again is a link to a page that tells you the real important events (i.e., the ones I'm hosting or co-hosting)…