Today's Political Musing

I wish pundits and reporters would stop talking about the possible Sarah Palin candidacy like she's made some firm, irrevocable decision about running and is keeping it a secret…and they have to analyze what she had for lunch and discuss whether it's a clue to that secret. Seems pretty obvious to me that she's out doing personal promotion which might help drum up support for a candidacy and test the waters…but which has value to her anyway.

Her line of work may turn out to be a possible office seeker/holder in the future…or it may just be to make speeches for megabucks, appear on "reality shows" and Fox News and to wring cash out of the 15% or so of the country that adores her. What she's doing now is consistent with both occupations though it favors the latter. The point is she doesn't have to decide now. A lot can change between now and the Republican National Convention or even the key primaries. Plus, if she decides to go the latter route and just be a pundit and personality, announcing she's not running will diminish the attention she gets.

People — especially reporters who love a good, bloody presidential campaign — are saying, "She's doing a bus tour which will [actually, may] go to states with early primaries so she's running." Well, maybe. Personally, I'll believe she's running for real — as opposed to running the way someone like Pat Buchanan has run — when I see her start trying to appeal to moderates and independents. And I'm wondering how many of the folks who love her now will love her as much if and when she does.