The Day After

Yesterday's predictions of the End of the World and the Rapture were kinda fun in an odd way. A lot of us got to laugh at those who believed this fellow named Harold Camping somehow figured out a date which the Bible says in no uncertain terms can only be known to God. It was also pretty easy to write jokes about. Here are three Tweets I posted while eating a bowl of Turkey Rice soup at one of my favorite restaurants this afternoon…

  • Harold Camping still has a better track record for predictions than William Kristol.
  • This just in: Harold Camping says he's done the calculations and can now say with great certainty that tomorrow is Halloween.
  • Well, there was no Rapture today so we'll put another $100 in the jackpot for tomorrow…

I think my favorite comment today was a guy on the local news who said he was deeply disappointed that the world didn't end because he's maxed-out his credit cards and was looking forward to having that off his mind. Yeah, that's the kind of thing Jesus would consider.